The Dinosaur Park, located 20 minutes outside of Austin, is a fun, outdoor nature park filled with dinosaur replicas, perfect for a family outing.
Yes!!!! Dino enthuasits – this is a MUST see! The Dinosaur Park in Cedar Creek (just 25 minutes east of Austin) is a fun filled afternoon for families.
Consider this a museum, only outdoors. Clipboard containing a fun scavenger hunt in hand, we set off on our nature walk through the gorgeous wooded area of Bastrop County.
Realistic life-sized dinosaur replicas are nestled in the woods, creating a fun effect as you round the bend and see a big dino!! My 3 year old was thrilled each time he saw one. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this mom was awe-struck a time or two to see one peering out at me.
We enjoyed the plaques for each of the dinosaurs we came upon – some we had never heard before. The facts were detailed enough to interest my big kids, yet not too scientific that they became bored.
And we really enjoyed the scavenger hunt, telling us to look for fossils, giant dragonflies in the trees or other fun objects. They were challenging and fun to learn about too.
We all stepped into the fossilized footstep imprint taken from Glenrose, Texas.
When we completed the nature walk, the kids enjoyed digging for fossils in the 2 Dino Digs. They also have a great playscape and swings. Take a picnic lunch – there are plenty of shaded picnic tables to relax at too.
That looks so fun! I bet my kiddos would love it.