Last month, at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California, I heard all the announcements and presentations from Disney, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm. We also had a BIG SURPRISE interview after the Live Active Films Panel…… an interview with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 stars Karen Gillian & Pom Klementieff!

photo credit: Moms ‘N Charge
It was a busy second day at the D23 Expo and we were all high on life after being in the same room with all the Avengers, Guardians, and Gods from the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. After lunch, we had been told to be ready for an interview with a “Josh Stone”. None of us knew exactly who this mystery interview was with, so we headed into the interview room not having a clue what we would be asking this Mr. Stone.
Turns out we were DUPED.
There was no Josh Stone! It was a surprise interview with 2 of the stars of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 – Karen Gillian (Nebula) and Pom Klementieff (Mantis). Both have been busy filming this last month in Atlanta for Avengers: Infinity War and had joined the entire cast onstage earlier that day.
Having has the opportunity to interview them back in April for the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 junket, it was very exciting to see them again, after their worldwide press tour for the movie. And we really enjoyed seeing their humble response to our accolades of both their performances in the movie. These ladies are class acts.
5 Cool Facts About Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2
The Cast of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 is Goofy
For both Gillan and Klementif, the GOTG franchise is the first big movie break they have had and they both spoke of the on-set dynamics with the cast as “goofy”:
Klementieff: They’re all really cool and professional, but also goofy. It was really fun actually. They’re all really great people to work with. Like they’re movie stars. They’re all really great and easy to work with.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Pranks Come From the Guys (of course)
With a cast that includes Chris Pratt and Michael Rooker, you would expect to hear about a lot of pranks happening. But not the case when it came to the ladies.
Gillan: It’s one you always get asked, but you know it never happened to me on set to get pranked.
Klementieff: Maybe it’s something that guys do to each other, you know, more like a bromance kind of a thing. But I don’t know. I was never like a victim of that.
Gillan: Well, Michael Rooker showed his bottom to you. That’s a prank.

photo credit: Moms ‘N Charge
Klementieff: Oh, yes. It’s true. I forgot. Yeah, it was during the rehearsals. I was with James Gunn and Dave Bautista, and we were rehearsing a pretty emotional scene. You remember in the movie when I touch him and I see what he went through in his life. And at some point, we saw Michael Rooker showing his butt against the window. I’m like okay.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Ladies Can Relate To Their Characters
When asked if they were anything like their characters, their answers surprised us:
Gillan: I hope I’m nothing like mine. But I can definitely identify with insecurity, I think, as everyone can. My character is the sister that’s the least favorite. She’s not as good at fighting. She’s less attractive. She’s got no hair. She feels inferior and I think everybody can probably relate to that in some capacity.
Klementieff: We’re all insecure, and I think that the moments that move me the most is when she doesn’t believe in herself and she just needs someone to believe in her. And then he gives her the strength, and I think I have the same thing in life too, you know? And I think everyone, right? You just need someone to believe in you and to push you and it gives you the strength to to win.
Getting into Character on the Set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Isn’t Easy
If you recall, Gillan had to shave her hair for the first Guardians of the Galaxy, did she for Vol 2?
Do you have to shave your head for every movie?
Gillan: No. We’re, we’re filming right now. Look at this, look at this mane. I’m not shaving anymore because Marvel has been very kind to me and they’re allowing me to look like a woman now, so I’m really pleased about that.
What has been your biggest challenge for either film?
Gillan: The biggest challenge for me is probably the makeup process, just because it’s really intense. It takes about 4 hours in the morning to get ready. So I get up at like two or three o’clock in the morning and go there, and then they like stick skin on my face. But it’s so cool, the way I turn out, that it’s so worth it. But it’s a challenge to get up at that time and go through that on a daily basis.

photo credit: Moms ‘N Charge
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 Created Different Types of Female SuperHeroes
How do you feel about being able to inspire change and to empower women who look up to female superheroes?
Gillan: I feel like it’s about time. I mean, we’ve been craving this for a long time, and with everyone in the Marvel universe also Wonder Woman, I mean, it’s just like it feels like there’s a real movement of strong, different types of women.
Klementieff: You can see the bad ass and really strong characters like Karen’s character or like my character, she’s more innocent and weird and it’s okay to be either of these characters.
Gillan: Not every woman needs to be like kick ass and stern.
Klementieff: And what I love is also the costumes that we wear are not too revealing. They’re not too sexy. Because sometimes it doesn’t make sense to wear a bikini and fight.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 DVD is Coming
Other Fun News from the D23 Expo
Live Action Films Panel from D23 Expo
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Disclosure: I was invited by Disney to attend the D23 Expo, learn about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 and visit Disneyland’s Summer of Heroes. All opinions are my own.