Traveling this Thanksgiving Holiday? Here are 5 Fun Road Trip Games to get you & your family flying through the miles:
Magazine Scavenger Hunt
You don’t have to run all over town for a scavenger hunt. Just grab a magazine and a pen and be the first to cross off all the items on your list.
How to play:
- First, make a list of 20 items you will try to find in your scavenger hunt. Players can take turns suggesting things that might be found in a magazine or mom can make a list before leaving home. Here are a few ideas to get you started: a cruise ship, a baby, a red flower, bread, sunglasses, etc.
- Give each person a copy of the list and a magazine
- Each person has 5-10 minutes to find as much as they can in their magazine
- When an item is spotted – write the page number next to it
- First player to find all the items first or the person with the most at the end of the time limit is the winner
- Divide a piece of paper into 16 squares using 3 lines vertically and 3 horizontally. This is your Radio Bingo card.
- On each space, write something you would expect to hear on the radio (singers, titles of songs, products, sound effects, etc.). Each player makes a card.
- Gather all the cards, mix them up and have each player choose one.
- Turn on the radio and listen closely
- When an item comes up on the radio that is on your card, cross it off – make sure you announce it to everyone so everyone hears it too.
- The first player to cross out every space in a row either across, up & down, or diagonally wins.
The Great Plate Count
What’s a car trip without a fun license plate game? Start counting numbers on license plates instead of just counting the hours until you get to your destination!
How to play:
- Player one callas out the numbers of the first license plate they see. For instance, if the license plate is FTZ 123, you would call out “One, Two, Three”
- Quickly add up these numbers and this would be your score – “6” – write this down as your score
- The next player does the same for their score using the next car that passes
- Each car is used only once and no two players claim the same plate
- Keep taking turns and add each license plate’s numbers to your existing score
- The first player to reach 100 – EXACTLY 100- wins
- If you score is 95 or higher, instead of adding up all the digits, use what you need to get you to 100
- As a family, come up with a “taboo” word that is NOT to be said for the duration of the road trip.
- Try to tie it in with your road trip. If you are going to Grandma’s house, maybe the taboo term is grandma. Other good ones: bathroom, bored, “r we there yet?”
- Consequences for saying the taboo term could be funny (make them sing a song) or serious (start with a “bank of $$ and deduct every time the word is said).
- The first player begins by making a statement using the word fortunately. “Fortunately, I am going to my Cousin’s house today.”
- The next player follows up with a statement that relates to the first one using the word unfortunately. “Unfortunately, I ran out of gas to get there.”
- And on to the next player to continue the story with a fortunately statement. “Fortunately, the gas fairy landed right on my car.”
- The story goes on and on until it is completed.
- Make it fun and silly – it’s a great way to stretch your imagination!
More Amazing Road Trip Games
Even More Fun Road Trip Games
And some great Travel Prep Advice
I’m joining Suitcases & Sippycups and Walking on Travels today as they host “Travel Tips Tuesday”. Click on over and gather some great tips!
You have the best ideas! Love it!
I love your games! Our favorite to play is also a plate game, where we try to make as many words as we can out of the letters in under a minute. So, if it was DNY, you could have dragonfly, dainty, dangerously! It can be a rowdy game, because no one likes not to have their own word or for someone to have more words than them!