Terri from A Creative Princess joins us today with an adorable car game that is appropriately titled, dontcha think????
This was the little project I started that wouldn’t die! I wanted to make a Car Bingo game for the grandkids to play on their way to Alabama when they left for vacation 2 weeks ago. Didn’t happen! I had too many “Hall of Shames”! I’m not going to bore you with all the things that went wrong, but here is what I ended up with (after they were back from vacation!).
The boards are magnet on one side for bingo and a chalkboard on the other side.
I just started with those little boards from Hobby Lobby. They came in a package of 6 (I ruined the first three) and I painted them with chalkboard paint.
This is the steel sheet that worked. The first one I bought wouldn’t hold a magnet and no, I didn’t think to check it until I was all finished! Trash! I took a couple of days to calm down and then went back to Home Depot with magnet in hand. This one worked!
I used Greg’s snips to cut the metal and Gorilla Glued it to the board.
I printed all the words on pretty paper and mod-podged it to the metal. I added the trim so there wouldn’t be any sharp edges.
I used the same paper for the markers and added the little magnet to all of them.
I hope you still like me after you hear my confession. I love Spam! I can only have it when Greg’s working, it’s my guilty little pleasure! Forgive me?
I mod-podged more paper to the can and added a little trim.
You probably all know about this, but Kathleen from Always Sew Love told me about it. I had no idea what a brayer was, but it sure makes mod-podging much easier! No lumps or bubbles! Thank you so much, Kathleen!
You can see I wrapped a magnet strip around the piece of chalk to store it.
It’s just too bad I didn’t get it done in time for the kids’ vacation. Oh well, at least I’m ready for the next time they leave for a road trip!
Thanks Terri!! And don’t forget to join us tomorrow for Friday Daydreamin’. Link up one of your favorite vacation photos, visit some of the other linked blogs, and daydream your Friday away!!
I could have used that last month!!!!!!!! That, or a muzzle and Nyquil….
What a great idea!!!
LOVE this idea!! How adorable!!
I’m all ready to link up tomorrow!
What a fantastic idea!
I might be willing to eat Spam to make a cute little box like that!!
Great idea!
LOL at Connie’s comment! I love this project! So cute!