A few months ago, the coolest surprise showed up on our doorstep……
How tempting was this?? We had to wait a few days to unlock the mystery box. And when we finally received the code, this is what we found:
We received a personalized video message today with the code to open our #FamilyTrails box. Take a peek at what’s inside the box….. A video posted by Rebecca Darling (@rwethereyetmom) on
Toyota Family Trails
Included in the box was an invitation to join the writing team at the Toyota Family Trails website for the summer. We were honored as a family to be chosen, as the Toyota Family Trails is an initiative that encourages parents to make the most out of the time they have with their children. Toyota, in partnership with the National Center for Families Learning, recognized that families – no matter the composition – are the one constant across a lifetime of educational experiences. But family engagement in education doesn’t happen on it’s own. With over 7800 hours children spend each year outside of school, Family Trails is a great website to motivate & inspire ideas for fun with families. And it is right up my alley.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”650px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Family Trails hopes to inspire parents and kids to let imagination and exploration lead them on daily adventures through the world around them and the classroom of life. [/dropshadowbox]
I am so excited to be a part of this initiative this summer. I’m joined by some amazing blogging families who have some pretty cool adventures of their own. Pop over to the Family Trails website when you have a moment to check it out. My first article was posted yesterday and it’s all about how unplugging as a family enabled us to have one of the best family vacations yet.