What’s better to kick off the Holiday Season but with a FUN giveaway of all of my favorite things?
I am so excited to be a part of the 5th annual Favorite Things Giveaway! I have admired this giveaway for years as some of my favorite bloggers are a part of it, so it was an honor to be asked to be a part of it this year!
The best part of this giveaway? I am one of 30 bloggers who have amazing collections of their favorite things and that means, there will be THIRTY WINNERS!! Not only are these fun things to win, but they are also some super ideas for holiday shopping, so you can use this as a gift guide!
It’s super easy to do! Scroll below to see the prizes, and hop to each site to enter their giveaway for a chance to win! Here are the items that are MY favorites that I’m giving away to one lucky winner:
I’ve teamed up with 29 creative bloggers and we are all sharing some of our favorite things right now, and each of us will select a lucky winner! What you need to do is make sure you HOP to each of our sites to enter to win the giveaway on each site. Yes, that’s 30 in all, but you’ve got a week to do it…plenty of time! While you are there, we challenge you to click around to see what they have to share, you may just love them as much as we do!
Now, here is the HOP! Click on the links below to enter each of the prizes. Somedays within the first few hours, the direct link can get broken, if that happens, click on the home page of that site to find the post or go back shortly. Giveaway ends Thursday, November 9th at midnight, so make sure you enter each of the 30 prizes.
1: Fun-Squared
2: Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke
7: Lil Luna
10: C.R.A.F.T.
11: Cupcake Diaries
15: Honeybear Lane
16: Landeelu
17: Becky Higgins
18: Lolly Jane
19: Giggles Galore
21: Girl Loves Glam
24: The Pinning Mama
25: The Idea Room
29: Eighteen25
30: Somewhat Simple
Would you like to enter to win my gift?
My collection is filled with all of my favorite things – things that I use almost every day, things that help make me smile, things that I absolutely love and want to share with you!
- Hamilton: This is one of the BEST musicals I have ever heard (and seen!). I listen to this at least once a week. And if you already have this soundtrack, I will gift you an iTunes card to buy some music you love.
- Essential Oil Diffuser & Lemongrass Oil: This summer while on vacation, we fell in love with the smells of Jamaica. When we got home, tried many different ways to recreate the lemongrass smell and the best way was when we picked up this diffuser – the scent lasts a long time.
- Beneath A Scarlet Sky: I picked up this book this summer and couldn’t put it down. I love historical fiction and this book tells the true story of a young man during World War II that you will not believe. I have told everyone I know to read this book.
- Nerts: We love to play games in our home and Nerts is a fast-paced, fun game for all ages – we can play it for hours.
- Bullet Journal: This year, I picked up a bullet journal to help organize my life. I have loved how fun it is to create my own pages and organize the way that works best for me.
- Dark Chocolate Almonds: My favorite go-to snack – a little bit of sweet and a little bit of salty.
I love the essential oil diffuser.
I have a serious addiction to chocolate covered almonds!! Definitely my favorite!!
I love the leuchtturm1917 and the oil diffuser. Great giveaway!
The diffuser is definitely my favorite!
Your favorite item of mine is the book, Beneath the Scarlet Sky.
Love your gift selection!
I absolutely LOVED reading the book “Beneath a Scarlet Sky!”
I would have to go with the Nerts. I have never heard of the game but my boys and I love games so it sounds intriguing. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite is the book!
I liked the Nerts game
Would love to win the Leuchtturm 1917
I love the Hamilton music!
I love the Hamilton soundtrack
Hamilton soundtrack – duh!
nerts sounds like fun, my family loves games
The oven roasted dark chocolate almonds would be my favorite!
Tough to choose. I’ve never heard of Nerts, so I’m most interested in learning more about that! Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
The oil diffuser is awesome!
The oil diffuser is just beautiful! And, of course, Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds.
I love books and am drawn to WWII era novels! Have you read The Nightingale?! Do it!
I would love the oil diffuser and lemongrass oil.
Hamilton would be awesome!
I would like the Essential Oil Diffuser & Lemongrass Oil:
I love historical fiction! Beneath a Scarlet Sky looks really good!
The oil diffuser.
I love your aroma diffuser the best, but the book comes in at a close second.
I would love to read Beneath a Scarlet Sky
Oh I love the diffuser and the the almonds. Yum
I just got a bunch of oils and it would be awesome to have another diffuser!
The bullet journal!
Would love to try this diffuser! The entire giveaway lot looks awesome!!
I’m so excited to see Hamilton when it comes to my state in the next couple of years! But, I’m also a Bullet Journal junkie so I would loooove that journal.
The oils and diffuser are musts for me! I love Now brand too!
I had a hard time choosing. I would love Hamilton but also the diffuser & the book because I too love historical fiction.
The Hamilton Soundtrack!
I love the bullet journal. I am new to journaling and would love to win the Leuchtturm 1917 to use when I am finished with my current journal.
I LOVE the diffuser and the Hamilton soundtrack of course!
I love historical novels, so my favorite thing on your list is “Beneath a Scarlet Sky.”
essential oil diffuser.
My favorite is the Essential Oil Diffuser & Lemongrass Oil.
wow! difficult to choose one! I do like lemongrass eo! and….. all of them!
The essential oil diffuser all the way!! LOVE me some Lavendar! 🙂
The Nerts game….never heard of it, but our 7 yr old granddaughter Hayden James loves to play any kind of game with her Papa! 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to win these goodies 🙂
I’m interested in the family game. My boys really enjoy playing games.
My favorite is the Essential Oil Diffuser & Lemongrass Oil. I just have a plastic Walmart diffuser.
I would say Nerts – never heard of it so I’d like to try it. I like to play games with my grandkids
I’d say Nerts! Looks awesome!
Hamilton soundtrack!!!!! I just recently discovered it and OH. MY. WORD. I LOVE it!!!
I like the Bullet Journal the most. I could really use for the upcoming new year.
I am very much into essential oils. I would love a diffuser, yet I would also love to giving journaling a try.
I love the essential oil diffuser the most.
My favorite is The oil diffuser.
My favorite thing from your list is the package of Dark Chocolate Almonds.
The Hamilton Soundtrack for sure!
The dark chocolate almonds and the Hamilton soundtrack!
I love dark chocolate almonds.
I’d love to win Nerts!
I would love the oil diffuser.
I am most interested in the nerts! We love games and of course chocolate! =)
I would love all/any of it! I have been wanting to try bullet journaling for a while now and love reading. The diffuser is my favorite though, love the look of it and lemongrass is one of my faves.
Love the Diffuser..and Book! BUT ..hard choices..can’t I just LOVE em ALL? 😀
Nerts!!! Our family loves this game!
I would love to win essential oil diffuser and lemongrass oil. This would be a helpful addition to my hectic home.
The book! I was just saying how I need a new good read. Always happy to hear recommendations!
The Diffuser would be great, but I’ve never heard of Nerts, and I’m intrigued with that too…lol
I love the essential oil diffuser!
Dark Chocolate Almonds for sure!
I love the essential oils diffuser. I use oils everyday and I would love to have something so natural looking as my diffuser
Chocolate almonds, historical fiction, and Hamiliton. I’ve nor heard of Nerts, we will have to check it out.
You’ve picked AWESOME things and I would love them all, but I have to say that those almonds find their way into my shopping cart on a really frequent basis! 🙂
Oil diffuser
i love historical fiction…the book thief and the nightengale are two favorites.
Fellow Austin mom — would love to check out Nerts! We love games, but we’ve never heard of that one.
I’ve been wanted to read Beneath a Scarlet Sky and the nerts game would be fun to play with the family
I would love the Hamilton CD and the book!
The Leuchterm 1917. I started bullet journaling last year and it revolutionized my life.
We are a game family as well – so Nerts looks exciting!
I’ve never used Essential oils, but would love to try! So the diffuser looks awesome!
I remember playing Nerts as a kid, but haven’t played it in years. So I want to relearn that game!
I love chocolate covered almonds too but I would be excited to read a new book!
The diffuser – I’ve been wanting to try one out!
I love the oil diffuser. I need to get a new one.
I just love this giveaway, just seeing everyone’s favorite things is cool!
The chocolate almonds are a regular purchase on my grocery list 🙂
I’ve been interested in trying a diffuser!
Anything with chocolate and I really like the looks of the oil diffuser. I also have that book on my Kindle waiting to be read.
I am also a huge Hamilton fan!
I need the Hamilton soundtrack!!
Dark chocolate almonds!
I’m most excited about the oil diffuser!
Essential Oil Diffuser & Lemongrass Oil..,,,,Would enjoy trying this..
The oil diffuser is something I’ve been wanting for ages, but the Bullet Journal(!!), that’s got to be my favorite of this selection. Thanks so very much for the opportunity!
Loooove Hamilton!
Probably the Hamilton CD. Believe it or not I’ve never listened to the soundtrack
Hmmmm, tough call! I DO love that diffuser & the smell of Lemongrass but the Hamilton soundtrack IS on my list this year & I HAVE seen that book & wanted to read it but the chocolate almonds……………………YUM! Not sure if I’m indecisive or LOVE them all?!!!
I love a good book and “Beneath a Scarlet Sky” looks great!
The Essential Oil Diffuser is my favorite.
Oil Diffuser and lemon grass oil
Yay Hamilton!!
Love the chocolate and the oil diffuser!!
I like the oil diffuser.
The diffuser
Love the Hamilton soundtrack!
I’m excited about the oil diffuser too!!
I love Dark Chocolate Almonds!
I love your gift choices. My family loves to play card games.
I would love the Hamilton cd!!!
I’m interested in the Nerts game.
The lemongrass oil, it’s one of my favorite scents
I like the oil diffuser – I’ve been wanting to try one and that one is lovely!
That diffuser!! It’s gorgeous!
I followed you on Instagram as well
I would have to say I’d be most excited to win the oil diffuser. I’ve been wanting to get one for a while now and this one is so pretty.
I would love to win the Leuchtturm 1917! I am a beginning bullet journaler and this would be awesome to win.
Hamilton is our favorite, hands down!
That gorgeous diffuser
Definitely NERTS! We love family games!
The nerts game would be awesome! We used to play when I was a kid. I’d also like the journal so I don’t have to by a BuJo this year!
I love the whole package and how it all helps a person relax before the holidays. The defuser is probably my favorite.
What is a diffuser i,m sure how use one but would love to try
Would love to try that game with the kids!
Nerts- we love family games!
The diffuser
I really love the essential oils and the diffuser would be wonderful to have!
Thank you.
My brother’s nickname is Nert! The game has to be my favorite thing from your post because I had no idea it existed!
I would have to say the Nerts game never played it before but I play games with my kids all the time and they would love to try something new to play.
I love everything, But the novel looks good!!
Dark Chocolate
That diffuser!!!!
I like everything that you picked! But my fav is probably the diffuser and lemongrass is one of my favorite oils!
The diffuse is gorgeous!
I’m loving the oil diffuser the most in your favorite things!
I absolutely love the game Nertz, but I’m really eyeing the dark chocolate almonds you have in your giveaway ;).
I would say the Hamilton Music Soundtrack!
The chocolate almonds!
I love the essential oil diffuser. It looks so pretty; beautiful addition to the living area.
Those almonds sound delicious! And the journal sounds fun.
I can only pick one? I will have to say Beneath A Scarlet Sky….it is on my Want to Read shelf on Goodreads. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
The Hamilton soundtrack is on my Christmas wish list, so that is definitely my favorite thing from your list, too!
Hamilton soundtrack
I like the oven roasted dark chocolate almonds the most.
Love the air diffuser
I love the oil diffuser. Thanks for the chance.
I like the diffuser.
Hmmm…Do I have to choose? The diffuser looks beautiful in it’s wooden case. there would be a fight over who would get the soundtrack to Hamilton because it is a favorite in our house, I need a new journal, I so need a novel that you can’t put down…they are hard to find and who says no to chocolate? My hubby would probably steal the novel and read it before me and hidden chocolate is a thing in our house so in our house everything is a winner. I love the diffuser.
The Hamilton soundtrack and the diffuser. But I love all of the items you chose!
I love the essential oil diffuser!
Dark chocolate almonds are my favorite
I love everything about Hamilton!
The diffuser!