Hi friends! Do you Instagram? Do you even know what Instagram is? Do you care? You should!
Instagram is a fun photo-sharing site that allows you to take a “peek” into what your friends are all seeing through their shots. I love it – I get to see all my traveling friends’ travels, what my scattered-across-the-states besties are all doing, and keep up with family members.
It’s a great app too as it helps tweek your pictures in fun ways – making you look like a rock-star photographer!
And for the month of December, I thought it would be fun to run a little photo-a-day challenge with anyone who’d like to join. Using the prompts listed below, add one picture a day and use the hashtag #RWTYMDec in your description to link them all together. I would LOVE to see December through your eyes!!
So, hop on Instagram right now – start following me at @rwethereyetmom and link your photos up each day. Don’t worry if you are reading this and it’s the 3rd or the 5th or even the 15th – who says you have to start on day one.
Miss a day? No worries – play when you can.
Only like the prompt for Day 26 – I understand! Add it that day!
Hope to see you playing!
I will do as many of these as I can. I had already committed to another one before I saw this. Luckily Day #2 was the same for both.