On a mission to go down 2 sizes, I started the Snap Kitchen 21 Day Commit program 7 days ago. Like any good dieter, I was committed and excited and motivated…… for the first 3 days. But I’d be lying if I told you it was easy.
As a reminder, the Snap Kitchen 21 Day Commit program provides you with 21 days worth of meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks – all at 1200 calories (for me – it’s adjusted for each person.
My goal is simple:
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”650px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]21-Day Commit Goal: I want to go down 2 clothing sizes by December 2015. [/dropshadowbox]
And my tactics to get there are pretty straight-forward:
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”450px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]1. Follow the Snap Kitchen menu for 21 days [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”450px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]2. Cut out Diet Coke and drink water. [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”450px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]3. Exercise 5-6 times a week. [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”450px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]4. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”450px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]5. Allow myself a Free Day (meal) each week.[/dropshadowbox]
So how am I doing?
Follow the Snap Kitchen Menu for 7 days
Snap makes it so easy, providing you with a menu and all the meals. They are all stamped in the order you need to eat them, so you pretty much grab them out of the fridge and go. Honestly, it couldn’t be any easier. But the biggest question I get – How do they taste?
Honestly, they are delicious – FULL of flavor and I know I am eating things that I have never tried before (roasted cauliflower anyone?) and for the most part, I really like it! Its the pure convenience of having it all planned out and already prepared for you that makes this so easy. I couldn’t imagine trying to do this on my own.
Some of my favorites from Snap Kitchen this week:
Steel Cut Oats sweetened with fresh peaches. Almonds are added in for a crunch. This was incredibly filling & delicious!
Watermelon & Kale salad with feta cheese – this was a light snack that I loved!
Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas – one of my absolute favorite meals! The tortillas are made out of cauliflower (gluten-free) and there is a great spicy flavor. It’s only 430 calories and very light & filling.
Cut out Diet Coke & Drink Water
Easy. Except having to find a bathroom every where I go. I am amazed that when I drink more water, my body begins to thirst for it more and more. I didn’t even think of a Diet Coke this week. Wonder how next week will go?
Exercise 5-6 Times a Week
Totally motivated this week to work out. I attend a boot camp 3-4 times a week with Camp Gladiator. CG is such a fun way to work out – we like to call it “Big Kid P.E.” The trainers are fantastic about playing games while you are working out to get your mind off of, you know, working out. I go at 5:00 am 3 times a week, which isn’t easy. When that alarm goes off at 4:35 am, it hurts. But once you get there and are moving, you’ve awake. And the BEST part of it all? You are finished with a hard core workout by 6:00 am!
I did find out that I needed to add in some fruit or complex carb to up my caloric intake a bit. On Thursday at Boot Camp, I began to get light- headed. 1200 calories was not enough fuel for my body to be working out like this and at my visit with my Snap Kitchen dietician, she had mentioned I should add a bit more. I changed it up a bit and it seems to be working.
On days I couldn’t get a good workout it, I took an extra walk. I met a friend one afternoon and instead of drinking coffee, we decided to walk & chat. It was a great way to catch up and get more exercise in.
Get at least 7 hours of Sleep each night
Can I say I tried??? Not always the most successful at that. My daughter & I are watching 5 seasons of Downton Abbey in anticipation for their final season in January. And many nights, I would much rather be watching than sleeping….
Allow myself a Free Meal each week
That I did – Saturday night at a new Italian restaurant in town and it was WORTH IT! I did not feel one bit of guilt and I savored every bite. Knowing that I had a free meal to look forward to on the weekend kept me motivated through the week.

Snap Kitchen has a great variety of Cold-Pressed juices. A great way to get your fruits & veggies in!
Week 1 Results
They always say to NOT look at the scale, but come one, of course I’m going to be stepping on it each day. So my results???
I lost 5 lbs by Friday morning. Yes I know it was all water weight that I quick shed, but I was thrilled and it kept me motivated. But the best part??? I kept it off all weekend too! Wahoo!!
So I am motivated and excited and I really love the regime of eating small meals every few hours. I have a lot more energy and focus and I am finding that I have been much more productive. I never thought I’d see all these additional benefits with the 21 Day Commit. Now let’s see if I can continue that!
To hear about my 21 Day Commit and why I chose to do it, click here.
I love Snap Kitchen! How much does the 21 day program cost? Thanks!
3 days worth of meals averages $90-100, so 21 days worth could be $650-700.