There are so many awesome social media tools to use when planning a vacation. You may hear about a fantastic vacation and see some great pictures from your cousin’s trip to the beach on the Facebook. Or maybe you heard about the “amazing snow” up in Colorado from all the Ski resorts you follow on the Twitter. Maybe you go the old fashioned route and Google it (gosh, is that really that “old-fashioned” now?).
As if this isn’t enough, there is a new way to gather even more travel inspiration….Pinterest. For those of you new to the show (ya live under a rock somewhere?), Pinterest is a virtual bulletin board to “pin” pictures and ideas you come across that you want to save and look at later. Each pin is linked to the source of the picture – In other words, I can pin a recipe for Smore’s Bars to my recipe board and when I click on it later, it will take me to the site of the original recipe. It. is. awesome.
I have been on Pinterest for a few months now, gathering recipes to try, decorating ideas for the Holidays, and fun Toddler activities to do with my youngest. Just this past week, I started looking up what Piniterest could offer me in terms of a subject near to my heart…traveling.
I have found so many links to places I want to go someday (filed neatly on my Vacation Bucket List board), fun places to take the kiddos (Fun Places to Take the Kids – duh), and some great travel keepsakes to make (Travel Keepsakes & Gadgets). I created a board the other day to list all the places I want to go in Texas. I created a board for all the Yummy Travel Food I want to try (you know me and food). And I created a board to list Inspirational Travel Stories.
The Sky is the limit! If you have an upcoming trip to Hawaii, create a board for it and start pinning your vacation ideas to it. Road Trip to California this summer? New York City in the Fall? Want some vacation photography hints? How about some packing ideas? My guess is you can find all this and so much more.
I love it – the ideas are endless. I have started to follow some of my travel friends who I have met through this blog and y’all have the best pins!! If you are not on board (come on, ya know you want to try it!), send me a quick email and I will send you an invite to join (it’s the only way). Or if you are – let me know, I’d love to follow you and see some of the awesome things you have pinned!
Now, back to my current obsession, pinning some of the Best National and State Parks across the US to take the kids to.
Pinterest is soooo addicting. I try not to go on there if I have other things I need to be doing. I need to make a travel bucket list. I feel like if I put it on a list, I’m so much more likely to actually do it.
I’ve pinned SOME stuff that I want to do this summer…I need to start a board!
Love Pinterest!!
I left a comment and then my computer went offline!!! ugh.
Anyway, what I was saying is pinterest is a ginormous time suck. I get on there to pin a few things and before I know it, I’ve been in there for an HOUR!
Should we start a Long Beach board or do you think Viv’s got us covered? 😉
Thanks for linking both blogs up! You’re amazing!!
We need to start os California board for ur upcoming trip. I nominate you for taking care of that…boy that was easy!
I try to stay away from Pinterest, it was sucking more time out of my day that I didn’t have to give away!
Yep! Love me some Pinterest. I started a vacation and travel board.
What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do — especially in other people’s minds. When you’re travelling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
This is one area that I haven’t started to pin.
What a great idea!!