Another week of Tuesday Travel Tips – and this one is all about traveling on a plane with your munchkins. Many of these will probably be second nature to many of the seasoned family fliers out there, but I hope some who will be traveling with tiny ones for the first time can pick up some hints:
My funny Oklahoma friend who blogs as Impulsive Addict has a sweet 2 year old and has these great tips they tried this summer while flying:
- When traveling with a toddler, make sure you have a new toy or game for them to experiment with. The etch-a-sketch was our saving grace.
- Have snacks and drinks on hand. Instead of a sippy cup, let them try a cup with a lid and straw. Something different to keep them interested (and hydrated) especially for take off since their ears will pop.
- Now is a good time to get a device to watch videos on and play a movie or show they they like. For us, it was Sesame Street over and over and over….
- Coloring book. This was a life saver! When she was sick of crayons, we gave her a PEN! *Gasp!* Hey…whatever works, right!?
- Books. Don’t forget to take lots of books. Point out animals, pictures, colors, words throughout reading it with them. It takes up time and you’re teaching them! Win, win!
I listened to a radio show giving advice from those “Million Milers” and one tip stuck with me:
When booking your flight with your spouse and a lap baby, always book the window and the aisle seat. You are less likely to find someone who will buy a single middle seat and you may just end up with an empty seat between the two of you for the baby to sit in. It is certainly worth a try!!
My sweet Sister-in-law, Angie from Virginia, is a pro at flying with kids. Her hubby is in the military and they have been all over the world. She sent in this advice:
My sweet Sister-in-law, Angie from Virginia, is a pro at flying with kids. Her hubby is in the military and they have been all over the world. She sent in this advice:
*If wanting to bring a car seat on board, first check the FAA regulations to make sure your car seat is OK to travel. If it is, I recommend the GoGo Kidz travelmate, hooks on the carseat and you can roll your kiddo through the airport with ease!! Stroller, car seat, purse holder all in one!! We love it and use it every time we fly.
*Those *certain* fun snacks your kids never get to eat, this is the time to bust those snacks out! The Dollar Store is my best friend when looking for small new toys to keep the kiddos happy.
*A second outfit for your kiddos and yourself! Too many of my friends have had a story regarding mishaps with their kids on an airplane, I always pack an extra outfit for myself!
*If age appropriate, I give my kids a sucker for the take-off and or landing to help the kiddos release a little pressure on their ears. It also helps to keep them entertained until the “approved electronics are now safe to use” announcement comes on.
Thanks ladies for your great advice! If you have a great tip you would like to share, please leave a comment or email me at
YAY! I feel a little famous! But let’s not rush Emma’s age, ok? lol She won’t be 2 until December! =)
I’ve never thought about requesting window and isle seat leaving middle seat open. That’s genius!
I’ll try the sucker approach next time. She doesn’t get those so it will be a nice treat for her!
Thanks Becca! xoxox
When we traveled internationally to Asia last summer, we figured out that we needed to call ahead and order special meals so that we had things on our plate that we actually recognized. I ate vegetarian on our flights and was thankful for the fresh fruit and vegetables!